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Rosie Cooper: International Everything Part II
Took place: March 18th, 2006     [ Photos ]

A series of short talks by non-specialist enthusiasts.

Press Release
"International Everything" is the title for a series of short talks to be held at Redux over several evenings. On each occasion, three invited speakers will present a topic that they feel extremely interested in, but that is not their specialism in the academic, scientific or critical sense. Each talk will last for a strict fifteen minutes. They may use any kind of aide they wish - images, film, objects, anything.

Reminiscent of salon evenings and of certain dinner clubs in London in the late 1950's, "International Everything" has no set theme for any one evening.

International Everything is curated by Rosie Cooper.

Commencing 7.00pm.
Talks will start at around 8:45pm.

The following speakers will talk on the following subjects:

Rebecca Brown - The Takarazuka Revue
the Japanese All-Female Troupes from 1913 to the Present.

Lucy Wills - Wild Horses.

Colin Chapman - The Iron Felix
Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and the Creation of
the VeCheka.

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